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May 8, 2022, presenter Dr. Kristine Hoover.

We do have organized groups in the Northwest who spread hateful messages and organize toxic activities toward people with whom they disagree. For example, a Pride Group in Coeur d’Alene is planning a gathering on a weekend in late spring, and another group in the city is showering the internet with extremely devaluing information about the people in the pride group. We are fortunate to have Dr. Kristine Hoover, a member of the Gonzaga University faculty, join us in the adult education program this coming Sunday.

Dr. Hoover is a Professor in the Gonzaga School of Leadership Studies and the director of the Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate. Her research focuses on how organizations and communities shape inclusion and cultures of dignity. Her most recent book Countering Hate: Leadership Cases of Non-Violent Action explores how ordinary people have accomplished extraordinary things to counter hate groups in communities across the United States.

This is what Kristine says about her session:
“Over the past six years, I have led the Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate which was originally founded in 1997. As a professor of leadership studies, this work has been a calling for me, growing from the University's mission for accompaniment and the history of white supremacy groups in the Pacific Northwest. I ground my work in ethical leadership with research from local leaders. I will share information about the pyramid of hate, resources to identify hate groups in our community, and how as human beings we have the capacity to create communities that denounce a human hierarchy of value and embrace greater inclusion.”

You won’t want to miss this session. The class will begin on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. in person in rooms 13 and 14 or on Zoom. The Zoom link is ID: 976 0612 3777. There is no passcode. Just put in the ID.

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