

May 21, 2024|

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience - join us for some friendly competition and little exercise. Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm in Covenant's gym.

May 15, 2024|

This week in Adult Ed, Pastor Megan will be giving an overview of some of the changes coming out of the United Methodist Church’s General Conference. For those with specific questions or areas that they would like to have Pastor [...]

April 16, 2024|

Adult Ed for Sunday, April 21st. Grief is a universal human experience. If we live, we experience loss and will need to grieve. Yet if we’re honest, most of us never learned healthy means of processing through these incredibly difficult [...]

April 8, 2024|

Dr. Pat McCormick presents on April 14th. Today’s fast fashion, pressuring young women to buy ever more clothing, produces 150 billion garments a year (up 800% since 2000), usually worn 10 times. With 85% of these mostly polyester garments going [...]

April 3, 2024|

What if we could tell ourselves a new story about climate change—and, in doing, so, alter our relationship to our planet? With larger, longer wildfire seasons, accelerating species extinction, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise, it’s increasingly clear that climate change [...]

March 26, 2024|

Covenant Women in Mission wants to help Spokane’s homeless women for our Lenten Project. Our Focus will be Transitions WOMEN’S HEARTH, a daytime drop-in center for women and HOPE HOUSE, an overnight shelter for women. We are collecting new sports bras, underwear, [...]

February 28, 2024|

A new northside preschool is opening! Registration for The Children's Garden Preschool begins March 4, 2024 and enrollment is limited. They are located inside Covenant United Methodist Church. For more information visit their website or Facebook page.

December 22, 2023|

If you’re one of those people who loves to clean out closets and drawers to make room for the things Santa leaves under the tree, the Creation Care January Challenge will be right up your alley! Each week we’ll highlight [...]

December 13, 2023|

Final Session: Michael Bird begins this session noting: “The Bible didn’t fall out of the sky, bound in leather, with the words of Jesus colored in red. The New Testament in particular came to us through a particular process by which [...]

December 5, 2023|

Session 7: Whether you are new to the Covenant family or have been here from its origins, our adoption of a new logo seeks to portray a community of faith on mission.  Rich relationships continue to build, new members are [...]

November 21, 2023|

Long before our era of mega-churches, elaborate buildings, formal and liturgical worship services, and various denominations, the early Christians did not have big or fancy buildings and more often met in squalid apartments or outdoors or in community buildings. Occasionally [...]

November 14, 2023|

Session #5: For a fresh and imaginative look at the life and times of St. Paul you may want to rent the 2018 pre-Easter movie “Paul, Apostle of Christ” available on Amazon Prime for $4.00. The movie graphically portrays conditions [...]

November 7, 2023|

Session 4 of "The New Testament You Never Knew" video series Nov 12. Occasionally a happening occurs that has great significance for our lives. The assassinations of JFK and MLK, Jr. upended the world of adolescence for some of us, [...]

October 24, 2023|

This week: “The Life and Death of Jesus” N.T. Wright notes that “when Jesus came announcing the kingdom of God, we see him doing all kinds of things like healing people and celebrating with all the wrong kind of folk—and then [...]

October 18, 2023|

This week: “The World of Jesus and the Apostles” Events happening now in Israel, Gaza, and throughout the Middle East have antecedents in long established tensions between the inhabitants of the entire region.  The first Christians spread explosively after the [...]

October 13, 2023|

Get ready for an adventure! From our various backgrounds all of us come to the Bible with ideas as to how the writings we call scripture came to us. We also share or wrestle with what value we give to these [...]

October 10, 2023|

New position available! Do you feel called to demonstrate and invite children and their families into the transforming love of Christ? If you love children and love families, this job is for you! Click here for the full job [...]

September 26, 2023|

On October 1st, we will be offering some more information about the UMC Schism. As a part of this, Pastor Megan will be offering an overview of the situation, and a number of our local leaders will be responding to [...]

April 19, 2023|

April 30th Adult Ed: Tom Robinson and Roger Hudson and their "Porch Circle" are involved in the development of a new nonprofit organization called New Story Spokane. It is designed to promote a more nonviolent culture while emphasizing new and [...]

April 10, 2023|

When you think of people who are mature adults, you probably have in mind individuals who accept their responsibilities, express their emotions appropriately, and respond to being cut off in traffic with impressive calm. But how does that concept of [...]

March 24, 2023|

The Sister Church Ministry Team is excited to announce the return of the Covenant Sister Church Live/Silent Auction and Dinner. April 22, 2023 @ Covenant UMC 5:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Live music by our amazing Marimba Band, and crafts [...]

March 15, 2023|

March 19th presenter Dr. Pat McCormick. The vast majority of Americans believe everyone should have an opportunity to get ahead by working and studying hard, but half a century of faith in “meritocracy” has hollowed out our once booming middle [...]

February 28, 2023|

Join us this Sunday, Mar 5th, for a presentation on de-escalation strategies and techniques. This presentation will led by Sarah Phillips of Spokane. Sarah is a mental health clinician with Revive Counseling. She has over 7 years experience between addiction [...]

February 13, 2023|

On Sunday, February 19th, we welcome old friend Joe Ader of Family Promise back to Covenant for our Adult Education presentation after worship at approximately 10:45. Please join us for education and inspiration! Joe Ader is the Executive Director of [...]

January 31, 2023|

Presenter Tom Robinson is a retired attorney at law and a retired instructor of politic science at Gonzaga University. He will review the progress as well as the continuing challenges in the 3 areas of climate change, racism, and democratic [...]

January 25, 2023|

For all who are interested in learning more about planned giving and how legacy gifts of all sizes can be an important part of supporting the ongoing impact of the meaningful ministries of Covenant UMC into the future. Rev. David [...]

January 4, 2023|

On January 8th, Charles Durrett, architect, author, and advocate will be our guest for Adult Ed. He will address a variety of topics related to how to do social activism as an architect, such as: how we can make the [...]

December 14, 2022|

Advent is a season of waiting, of anticipation. It is the season of light and shadows, all at once. It is an intentional pause at the threshold before we step into the season of Christmas. We don’t pause simply to [...]

December 9, 2022|

Dec 11 Adult Ed: Please join us this week for adult education as we watch the second half of "Alice Street", "... a film about two Oakland artists, Pancho Peskador, a Chilean studio painter, and Desi Mundo, a Chicago-born aerosol [...]

November 2, 2022|

Please join us for the next three Sundays (Nov. 6, 13, and 20) as we explore Gospel and American Culture in Dialogue presented by Rev. Dr. Scott Kinder-Pyle. Scott is an ordained Presbyterian pastor, serving for over 35 years in various capacities, [...]

October 18, 2022|

Do you see “activism” as a spiritual practice in your life? How do we move things forward in the world when constrained by institutions? What is the recipe? What does God say? What does Love say? What if tomorrow is [...]

October 11, 2022|

We all have someone in our families or know someone who suffers from a brain disease known as addiction. In recent years opioid addiction and fentanyl overdoses and deaths have filled our media. What can be done for those who [...]

Adult Ed: How does the Webb telescope awaken our mysticism in times of emergency?

September 27, 2022|

Oct 2, 2022 - A video presentation by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox, an author, a priest, theologian, and activist.  Matthew Fox asks "Can this sharing of the earliest galaxies and stars beaming awaken us to the sacredness of our 13.8 [...]

September 14, 2022|

Youth Group meets regularly on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm. This includes Junior High and High School aged youth (6th-12th grade). For Sunday school for kids ages 4 through 5th grade, the kids join worship service first and then are taken [...]

Churches’ Ties Open Opportunities

June 14, 2022|

Published in The Fig Tree by Mary Stamp: Simple acts of sharing love between Covenant United Methodist Church (UMC) in North Spokane and Buenas Nuevas Lutheran Church in El Paisnal, El Salvador, opened the opportunity for Flor Chavez to study nursing [...]

Adult Ed: Ukraine & Russia: A Symptom of a Larger Struggle

May 17, 2022|

May 22, 2022 Presenter: Tom Robinson Many experts and foreign correspondents were convinced that Russia would not invade Ukraine. Here were two countries where large portions of the population worshipped at the same Eastern Orthodox churches. Families had relatives in [...]

Adult Ed: Why Is It So Difficult to Maintain a Marriage or a Primary Relationship in Our Culture?

April 6, 2022|

It is clear from our faith tradition and from our science of human behavior that human beings are designed for relationships.  The Old Testament and the New Testament are stories about relationships.  Basic to our Christian faith is our relationship with [...]

Adult Ed: The Night of the Unsheltered Homeless:  Part I

March 15, 2022|

March 20, 2022 Presenter:  Maurice Smith We all have had some experience with the homeless people in Spokane.  You have seen the person with a sign standing on the corner while waiting for a stoplight.  You may have served a [...]

Adult Ed:  If You Are in a Cage, Why Not Walk Out?

February 23, 2022|

February 27, 2022 Presenter:  David Yarbrough In the first two class sessions of February, David helped us through the first two-thirds of Diana Butler Bass’s new book, Freeing Jesus.  In the book, she is moving through her own faith journey [...]

Adult Ed: Regenerative Agriculture – The New Covent Age of Healing the Earth

February 16, 2022|

February 20, 2022 – Presenter:  Ray Archuleta We are meeting in person and on Zoom this week. Mr. Archuleta was in Spokane speaking to primarily farmers and ranchers last year and David Yarborough was in attendance. He talked to Ray [...]

Adult Ed: Jesus is Lord?  Please Tell Me It Ain’t So

February 8, 2022|

February 13, 2022, Presenter:  David Yarbrough This week’s class is a continuation of our exploration of Diana Butler Bass’s new book and videos on how her view of Jesus has changed throughout her life.  David Yarbrough, who is facilitating this [...]

Adult Ed: Just Who is This Jesus, Anyway?

February 1, 2022|

February 6, Presenter:  David Yarbrough Have you met David Yarbrough?  Have you heard him preach?  David is a member of our congregation.  You may have heard that he started preaching as a late adolescent in the Southern Baptist Church.  All [...]

Adult Ed: Reimagining God

January 28, 2022|

January 30th Presenter: Pete Enns We are all relational people. We come into the world totally dependent on our caregivers to be in a relationship with us. Our images of our caregivers are dependent on our experience with them. Our initial images of [...]

Adult Ed: Family Promise Today

January 18, 2022|

January 23, 2022, 10:20 am Presenter:  Joe Ader Family Promise is a non-profit with a ministry to families of all configurations in Spokane who are in or facing homelessness.  Their mission is: “Families come to us in crisis; we help [...]

Adult Ed: Embracing Uncertainty

January 14, 2022|

January 16, 2022 We are going to meet on Zoom about 10 minutes after the close of the worship service.  This week we are going to look at the issue which all of us are facing, uncertainty.  Pastor Olu Brown [...]

Adult Ed December 19th

December 15, 2021|

Topic:  The Second Coming of Jesus:  Horror Movie or Hope? Presenter:  Pastor Megan Madsen There are a number of people who speculate we are living in a time when Christ will return to earth.  You may have grown up in [...]

Adult Ed: U.S. Christian Nationalism Today

November 16, 2021|

Presenter: Dr. David Harrington Adult Education for Sunday, November 21, 2021. David's topic this morning will be to explore the concept that has been in our midst since the founding of our country, that America is a Christian nation. Here [...]

Adult Ed: Approaching Fiction Christianly

November 9, 2021|

On November 14, Gordon Jackson presents his second Adult Ed topic on Christianity and writing. Gordon Jackson, a member of Covenant UMC since 2015, is a retired journalism professor and an author of 17 books. He came from South Africa [...]

Adult Ed: Writing as an Act of Faith

November 2, 2021|

Presenter: Gordon Jackson Gordon Jackson, a member of Covenant UMC since 2015, is a retired journalism professor and an author of 17 books. He came from South Africa to the United States for his education at Wheaton College and then [...]

The Doctrine of Discovery

October 27, 2021|

Adult Ed Sunday, Oct. 31st, is facilitated by Lenore Three StarsThe adult education team is pleased to welcome Lenore Three Stars to our adult education program this week. Lenore was employed by the Office for Civil Rights in the United [...]

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust…

October 18, 2021|

...Of dust you were formed and to dust you shall return. Adult Ed, Oct 24th Facilitator: Jayce Keeling Watch on YouTube. Jayce Keeling is a former educator, a facilitator of personal growth and self-discovery groups, a contemplative group and a [...]

The Church and First Nation: a Call to Truth Telling and Repentance

October 15, 2021|

Adult Ed, October 17, 2021 Facilitator: Tom Robinson, J.D. Watch on YouTube. Tom is a retired attorney and also a retired political science instructor. He is enjoying his first year of being retired from both professional responsibilities. We are delighted he is [...]

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